Thursday, January 24, 2013 3:55pm ET by  
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Harry Styles look-a-like talks about his new found popularity

A story broke earlier today about a boy who looks very similar to One Direction's Harry Styles and he has revealed that he's quickly gathering his own following.

15-year-old Jacob Skelton told Britain's The Sun that he has been attracting the attention of lots of teenage girls because of his likeness to the heartthrob and he's enjoying it:

"When I go out I get stared at all the time. And when I'm down the park I get girls in their 20s coming up to me. It's incredible, but I'm loving every minute of it - and my mates think it's hilarious."

"I think Harry's fans like talking to me online because he never answers their Tweets and they think I'm the next best thing. Girls ask stuff like: 'If there was a zombie invasion, what would you do?'"

His Twitter page, which is registered under the username @Jacobskelton14, has already attracted over 10,000 followers.





Watch a Q&A with Skelton below:


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