Wednesday, May 22, 2013 7:29am ET by  
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Parent Television Council slam Ke$ha for drinking her own urine

The Parent Television Council have criticised Ke$ha for drinking her own pee on TV.

They say the singer promoted "disgusting, vile content" on her Ke$ha: My Crazy Beautiful Life show on MTV earlier this year.

In a letter, the group - who monitor TV output in the US - said that there should be more choice in what channels are received so that viewers can avoid programmes like Ke$ha's show. They said:

"Why should we have to pay for this kind of garbage just so we can get access to Discovery, Disney, or the Golf channel? It's outrageous - and it shouldn't be that way. Consumers deserve choice. We should all have the ability to choose and pay for only the channels we want to watch...but the cable industry won't let that happen without a fight."

Ke$ha meanwhile previously admitted that she wouldn't drink her own pee again, saying:

"I'm also just one that doesn't shy away from things. I'm not good at saying 'no' so I just figure, f*ck it, I'll try anything once. So I tried it. I wouldn't recommend it. It was pretty gross. And I don't think it really did anything very beneficial to me so, yeah, I wouldn't probably do it again."





Watch Ke$ha on Jimmy Kimmel below:


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