Tuesday, June 4, 2013 2:09pm ET by  
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Miguel’s Billboard Awards mishap may have caused victim brain damage

Singer Miguel’s misjudged stage stunt may have caused a female fan brain damage, says the woman’s lawyer.

The injury occurred when Miguel was performing at the 2013 Billboard Music Awards and attempted to jump across part of the crowd, falling slightly short and crashing into a few fans including Khyati Shah, whose head was caught by Miguel’s leg and forced into the stage behind her. However, she was later seen in good spirits alongside Miguel who had visited to check on her condition and apologize.

But Shah has apparently been feeling effects from the injury, says her lawyer Vip Bhola who told Tmz.com: "Some of the difficulties she's experiencing are cognitive in nature and lead to suspicion of a neurological head injury." 

The woman is undergoing tests from a neurologist to confirm any damage and may possibly pursue a lawsuit.

Miguel recently opened up about the incident, saying: "The truth is that in rehearsal I had made that jump a couple of times. It wasn't that I under-jumped, it was that the crowd...You know what, I don't even have an explanation man. Everybody out there, that s*** was funny. I'm laughing at it now."

He added: "That night and the day after I was definitely worried about the girl – more than anything worried about the girl. What a lot of people didn't see was once the camera cuts off, I like ran to the girl took her to infirmary, sat with her and made sure she was OK. I don't really know what to say besides I'm sorry.”





Watch Miguel interviewed with the victim after the show below:


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