Monday, July 1, 2013 4:52pm ET by  
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Vinyl library opens in London

A music library that stocks only vinyl opened in the Stoke Newington area of London earlier today, July 1.

The new non-profit venture opened its doors on Foulden Road this morning and was set up by two London based DJs, named Sophie Austin and Elly Rendall. Speaking to The Guardian about the library, they explained that it was born from their own struggle with funding personal music collections:

"We were DJing UK garage sets and we wanted to build up our vinyl collection. We didn’t have the budget to buy a whole new collections, there’s no vinyl in libraries any more and we have quite eclectic tastes so we thought: ‘Wouldn’t it be great to have a vinyl library?'"

Austin added: "People can share their knowledge with people who are new to vinyl [...] We like the idea of getting people tactile with a piece of vinyl and getting everyone connected to that again."

The library is open from 11am-9pm Monday to Sunday and there is a £1 fee to join.





Watch an interview with Jack White about the importance of Record Store Day here:


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