SNØSKRED confirm new album 'Empty House' for Feb 19th release on Riot Factory

Hear new single now. Borne of the same Norwegian scene that brought us Gold Celeste & Dråpe last year, Snøskred prepare for their sublime debut international release.



Norway’s Snøskred (pronounce the Ø like the i in bird) are here with their sublime international debut album Empty House, set for release on February 19th via Riot Factory.
Snøskred (Norwegian for “avalanche”) have already set themselves apart as one of the brightest new bands in their homeland. Now, following a fantastic response to single ‘Puzzle’ late last year, they prepare to introduce an album to the rest of the world for the first time.
Citing Pavement, Wilco, Talk Talk and Yo La Tengo as important influences on their sound, they present an album of beautifully subtle, slow burning and introverted tracks that pack a sly punch, lingering in your memory & earning a place in your heart.
Of new single ‘Lexington Hotel’, Snøskred vocalist Karl Klaseie says: "'Lexington Hotel' came to me in a dream after a late night viewing of Scarface. I was in the middle of a mobster shakedown and woke up thoroughly confused and sweaty."
Video for “Lexington Hotel”
Embed: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
There is so much information and noise around us on an everyday basis,” says Klaseie. “Whenever something forces me to think twice about it I'm often inspired to write a song about it.”
Having spent his childhood summers in the US, at his mother’s family home, Karl’s influences are scattershot: “This album is me waking from a dream about Scarface, about the desolation left behind by the American car industry, about personal stuff that just had to be said out loud, about Doomsday Preppers and bicycle couriers - about lots of things, but everything is connected somehow.”
And it’s Snøskred’s playful way of linking these disparate topics, their recognition of how things that seemingly have nothing to do with each other are indeed related if only by our associations with them, that characterizes the lyrical themes on Empty House.
The album title Empty House is taken from the opening phrase of the opening track "Motor City" and is quite literally the opening lyric to the album. “An empty house is a house ready to be filled with different things, and we figured that we’d leave room for the listener to do this with our music as well” Karl explains.
Empty House is self-produced by band members Karl Klaseie and Kyrre Laastad, and recorded by the band at Greener, Trondheim between June 2014 and April 2015. Greener Studio is also run by Karl with Simen Hallset of Gold Celeste, and was the birthplace of the recent albums by Gold Celeste and Dråpe.
The making of Empty House was a process of self-discovery for Snøskred, of learning who they are and who they aspire to be as a band, of learning how they write together, and where they stand in relation to both their own previous music and that of their influencers. 
The result is a record that sounds focused and at peace with itself. Beautifully restrained and meticulously crafted, it draws the listener in to a place of sun-dazzled contemplation and rumination. A record packed full of beguiling melodies that don’t have to shout or showboat to earn their place in your heart.
Snøskred are:
Kyrre Laastad: Drums
Lars Ove Fossheim: Vocals and guitar
Martin Hvidsten Berger: Bass
Karl Klaseie: Vocals and guitar
Empty House tracklist:
1. Motor City
2. Matador
3. Preparations
4. Blurred Out Lights
5. Mirage
6. Lexington Hotel
7. Puzzle
8. Homeless
Press image (click for high res):


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February 2, 2016 7:41am ET by Stereo Sanctity   Comments (0)

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