Newton Faulkner Returns To ACM

On Monday 25th January 2016, the Academy Of Contemporary Music (in partnership with Eagle3) welcomed back alumnus Newton Faulkner for a performance and masterclass as part of their much-anticipated ‘Odeon Sessions’.

Kicking off with an interview between Eagle Radio presenter Stuart Provan, Newton discussed his experiences in the music business over the last decade, before detailing the creative process behind his latest studio album. A Q & A session with the students followed. Newton played three songs during the masterclass and even did an ad hoc and unplanned performance of ‘Gone In The Morning’ for a student fan who’d not heard the track live before.

During the interview Newton revealed that his first steps into the world of music composition were when, as a kid, he would write lyrics to his favourite video game music such as Sonic The Hedgehog. He also shared that it was picking up a steel stringed acoustic guitar for the first time that made music serious for him.

Having graduated from ACM with a Higher Diploma in performance specialising in guitar, the Academy is extremely proud of its contributions to Newton’s musical education that went some way to launch his career into the music industry. Remembering his time at ACM fondly, Newton revealed that hit ‘I Need Something’ was actually penned on a lunch break between lectures by the riverside next to The Electric Theatre.

During the masterclass, Newton mentioned that prior to auditioning for ACM, he was turned down by the BRIT School ; proof in that you can’t give up at the first hurdle in this tough business – a message that ACM teaches all students passing through its doors.

“It definitely gave me more information on the business side than I would of had otherwise because I had a lot of very confused friends – I became a central point of information for a little while (laughes). But yeah just playing stuff, friends, I mean I’m working with a drummer that I met whilst I was here. So yeah all kinds of contacts and stuff – it’s amazing!

Just do what you enjoy and don’t let anyone make you do anything that you don’t enjoy. That’s probably the best advice I can give.”


Newton’s visit to ACM was a complete success and students left having learned a great deal about how they can follow in the footsteps of a platinum album selling artist. Want to follow in Newtons footsteps? Then book yourself on to the next ACM Open Day Plus tour on 7th February by heading to our online registration form, calling 01483 500 800 or emailing

January 29, 2016 7:26am ET by The Academy of Contemporary Music   Comments (0)

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