Interview with Eleanor Tomlinson on Season 3 of The Outlaws which returns May 30 (UK) & May 31 (US)

The Outlaws returns for Season Three on May 30 (UK) & May 31 (US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Nordics)

(Image: BBC/Big Talk/Alistair Heap)



May 20 - Interview with Eleanor Tomlinson who plays Gabby in The Outlaws

Can you introduce us to The Outlaws?

I play Lady Gabriella Penrose-Howe. The Outlaws is about a group of convicts doing community service. In series one, Gabby has been caught drink driving, and probably in the possession of some kind of drug as well. It’s an unlikely bunch coming together. Now, in the third series, the story unfolds to reveal a crime scene at the heart of it. It’s very funny and it’s very heart-warming.

How would you describe Lady Gabriella?

Fabulous fashion! Personality-wise, she’s highly strung and overemotional. She is very quick to fall in love…

Where do we find your character in this new series?

In series three Gabby has finished her community service, she’s living the high life, she’s sober, she’s going to AA meetings. She’s decided that she wants to have a baby, and this series for her is mainly about how that happens. She’s got a new girlfriend, but is she the one she wants to have a baby with? And who’s going to be the father?

What about The Outlaws?

Well, obviously the Outlaws can’t go anywhere without running into some sort of trouble, and this series they’re all trying to solve a murder, and also get the Dean behind bars so he can stop threatening them all. Gabby is always the one who finds out about it last. But in she comes, all guns blazing. The Outlaws are back together!

What is the toughest challenge Gabby faces this season?

I think it’s her having a baby and finding the right person to do that with. I wonder who it could be? And also her relationship with her father. She’s now sober, she’s trying to live a much more positive and healthy life. But at the same time she also has this uncontrollable rage and she has to keep that under wraps.

Do you have a favourite line from season 3? It can be yours or another characters.

My favourite line is from Stephen’s character, Greg, when he talks about his sperm being like vanilla essence, in that it’s so strong you only need a bit of it. Filming that scene with him was hilarious, I can’t wait to see the blooper reel because we couldn’t stop laughing. It was a tough day getting through that scene.

Do you have a particular scene that has been your favourite to film?

I think all of my scenes with Stephen. We know each other so well now. It’s been really fun creating these characters and their journey together. Gabby has been living with Greg for sometime now and they’re the best of friends. Though they’re very unlikely friends as well.

How has Gabby and Greg’s friendship evolved over the three seasons?

Greg made Gabby realise that all of the friends she had around her were there because of her celebrity status and not because of her friendship. He is possibly one of the only friends that actually stands by her, and he eventually allows her to move in with him and somewhat take over his apartment. Which we see in this new series. I guess their progression is this really lovely arc of getting to know each other and coming from very different worlds.

What have been some of your favourite locations to film on?

I think Greg’s flat is my favourite. In series three we really see how Gabby has completely taken over his flat. There are false nails everywhere and massively garish art. Greg’s flat has been fully Gabby’d, which is great.

What has it been like acting with your castmates again this series?

It’s been so nice to have everybody back together again. I think it’s been two years between series two and three, but it’s just amazing that the show was so popular and we’ve all come back together. Like I said, Stephen has just been a real treat and the same with Jess Gunning (Diane), I just adore them, it’s been fantastic.

What was it like filming series one and two simultaneously?

It was tough because we were battling covid at the time. It was just very hard for everybody, for the cast, for the crew. Everyone had to wear masks. And just in general, not being able to have a life outside of work. It was an amazing experience but at the same time very challenging.

What themes are present in series three of The Outlaws?

I guess friendship is the main theme, certainly for Gabby. We see that in her relationship with Greg. And I guess, right from wrong. The way she stands up to her father, eventually, and fights for what she deserves. She’s not going to take any of his nonsense which I love.


PRIME VIDEO INFORMATION: The Outlaws are back for Season 3 of star/creator Stephen Merchant's comedic thriller will premiere with all five episodes on Friday, May 31 on Prime Video. Available to view on Prime Video in the U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Nordics.

Source BBC One

May 29, 2024 3:00am ET by BBC One  


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