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Friday, December 11, 2015 9:40am ET by  
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Fifth Harmony say winning Billboard Women award is 'unbelievable'

Fifth Harmony have expressed their shock at bagging the Group of the Year prize at this year's Billboard Women in Music gala.

The band will collect the honour at the event in New York City today (December 11).

Speaking to ABC Radio, singer Ally Brooke Hernandez says the honour is "unbelievable".

She said: "When we found out that we were being named by Billboard Group of the Year, we were just like...'Wow,' I mean, that is unbelievable'.

"Cause we’ve had our own personal struggles throughout these three years we’ve been together, and our own struggles as a group, and for all of our hard work to be paid off like that, and to have such a title, is pretty incredible."

Hernandez added: "We’re so honoured and grateful and this goes back to our fans, ‘cause we would not be here without them.

"I mean, they’re online constantly campaigning for us to either win an award or to just make us smile. I mean, they’re the best, so thank you guys!"

Lady Gaga meanwhile will be crowned Artist of the Year, while the likes of Demi Lovato and Tori Kelly will also be honoured.

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