Thursday, December 8, 2011 2:42am ET by Newsdesk
Ludacris launches educational site for childrenRapper Ludacris has launched an educational website called, which is aimed at children. The 'My Chick Bad' star, who named the site after his 10-year-old daughter, is an interactive hub for kids and features word games, pop songs with informative lyrics and stories. Ludacris explained his decision to create the website as an easy one because he cares about promoting learning and personal development: "The site touches on subjects like the rewards of hard work and importance of learning manners, as well as the idea that doing good deeds for others will bring good into your life - which is the meaning of the word Karma." "The music and lyrics, games and stories on the site are all original and were created by me, my daughter and my creative team." Watch the trailer for 'New Year's Eve', in which Luda stars, below:
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