Thursday, September 1, 2011 9:00am ET by  
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Rihanna's ostrich outfit gets PETA in a flap

Bajan superstar Rihanna has come under fire for wearing an outfit partly made from ostrich feathers. 

The 'California King Bed' singer sported the aqua blue top during a recent public appearance in London and its feathered front has outraged animal rights group, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).

Sandra Smiley, a spokeswoman for the organisation, told the Daily Star newspaper that Rihanna has shown "little regard" for any possible mistreatment and cruelty of not only ostriches, but other animals too:

Rihanna is flaunting stolen property, in this case feathers possibly plucked right off their rightful owners’ backs. 

“She has shown little regard for foxes, cows and reptiles, now she’s adding birds to the list of species exploited for her dubious looks. Feathers are often ripped off chickens, geese, ostriches and emus in live plucking. This can result in gaping wounds that are sewn up with a needle and thread without anaesthetic.”

“We keep hoping that Rihanna, a victim of violence herself, will learn to open her heart and start empathising with the suffering of others." Smiley added. 

Rihanna is yet to comment on the situation, but you can watch her newly released music video for 'Cheers' here:


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