Monday, October 3, 2011 12:09pm ET by  
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Rihanna immortalised in wax at London's Madame Tussauds

Rihanna is the latest pop icon to be honoured at London's Madame Tussauds with a lifesize waxwork figure. 

The Bajan beauty was immortalised in the UK's capital today, October 3, and her likeness sports a fantastic cherry-red hair style with a slit to the middle skintight black dress. The museum's PR representative, Liz Edwards, told the Evening standard that they are thrilled to include Rihanna in their growing collection:

"We are thrilled to welcome Rihanna to Madame Tussauds London. Her inclusion couldn't be more timely as her 'Loud' tour arrives in the capital this week. We are sure she will hit the right note with our guests as demand for her figure has been huge since her appearance on 'The X Factor' 2010. Rihanna is one of the biggest music stars of the moment and is a perfect addition to the 'diva dream team' of female artists we have here at the attraction."

Check out photos from her recent video shoot, which angered an Irish farmer, below:


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