Sunday, December 16, 2012 6:53am ET by  
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Amy Winehouse’s ex says rape claim was lowest his point

Reg Traviss said he did not think he could feel any worse after Amy Winehouse died until he was falsely accused of rape.

The 35-year-old said the allegations made him hit a harder rock-bottom since the singer died.

The film maker who was engaged to Winehouse at the time of her death last year was cleared of two charges this week.

He told The Sun newspaper: "When Amy died I thought I couldn't reach a lower ebb.

''I'm reluctant to say it, but when this came up I don't think I ever have, or ever will, feel so low.''

He believes he was accused due to his fame.

He added: “I don't want to slag off the police - they have a job to do and were all decent fellas - but I do wonder about political pressures and meeting targets.




''On their report I was described as 'the famous film director and partner of the late Amy Winehouse'. It does make you wonder if I was a big scalp.

''The problem is, the system is like a runaway train. Once the wheels are in motion, there is no stopping it.''

The woman who accused Reg of attacking her following a night out on December 30 2011 was an old friend and the filmmaker insists he now feels ''blank'' towards her.

He said: ''The woman who gave evidence wasn't the woman I knew. She was aggressive and angry and completely different to the person I thought I knew.

''How do I feel about her now? I have no emotions towards her at all. I am blank.''




Watch a video of Reg Traviss ourside Amy Winehouse's flat after she died below:



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