Saturday, November 3, 2012 9:07am ET by  
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Beyoncé denied expensive attire

Beyoncé wore flea market sneakers when she first appeared in Destiny's Child promos, as she wasn't allowed expensive attire.

The international superstar is now one of the biggest singers in the business, but her younger sister Solange insists Beyoncé wasn't always so privileged.

Fellow songstress Solange has teasingly revealed how the siblings were normally clad in cheaper versions of clothes they adored.

She told the Guardian newspaper: "My sister and I were not allowed expensive clothes. We so badly wanted these Fila sneakers as kids but my mother took us down to the flea market and got imitation ones.

She added: "Look at the early Destiny's Child videos, you'll see!"

Solange also revealed what it's like to be the younger sister of one of music's finest acts.

She said: "She's a beautiful person to be compared to... actually [my music] is a whole different sound."




Watch Beyoncé in Destiny Child's video 'Emotions' below: 


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