Wednesday, June 22, 2011 9:41am ET by  
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Jessie J broke foot in stage fall

Jessie J’s foot injury is worse than first thought – the singer has broken a bone.

After falling from a stage platform during rehearsals for a show in London on June 11, Jessie was examined and initially told she had ripped a ligament in her left foot.

The pain has continued to bother the singer so she returned to hospital for a series of scans on Tuesday June 21, and found out she had been walking on a broken foot.

The Price Tag singer tweeted: "I am back in the UK. I didn't Tweet all day yesterday as I was at the hospital having scans on my foot! To get a specific diagnosis.  Turns out I've been hobbling around with a broken foot."

Watch Jessie perform Price Tag on Later with Jools Holland, below:


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