Thursday, June 13, 2013 7:00pm ET by  
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Ke$ha: 'When I finish a concert, I put on a sweater and go for a run as no one recognises me'

Pop sensation Ke$ha has admitted that she has a great way of winding down after playing high-octane concerts that came from the realisation that people don't recognise her in tracksuits and gym gear.

Speaking to Self magazine, the 'Crazy Kids' star explained that as soon as she gets off stage she likes to throw on a hooded sweatshirt and go for a run around the area she is in to use up her extra energy:

"On tour, I usually get offstage around 11pm with the most intense adrenaline rush, so I put my (sweatshirt) hood on - nobody ever recognises me - hit the streets and run until I get exhausted. It's nice to get to actually experience the world and exercise at the same time."

Joking about her wild reputation, Ke$ha added: "People think I sit around and drink whiskey all day, but I couldn't keep up on a three-month tour if I were (sic) getting hammered every night."




Watch behind-the-scenes footage from Ke$ha's 'Crazy Kids' music video below:


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