Wednesday, August 24, 2011 3:20am ET by  
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Lady Gaga to appear on The Simpsons

International pop icon Lady Gaga has voiced a character on the animated series The Simpsons. 

The 'Yoü and I' hitmaker took time out from her packed schedule to record parts for an upcoming episode that will be entitled, 'Lisa Goes Gaga'. 

Gaga plays herself on the show and she told Entertainment Weekly that this is one career milestone that her father will be genuinely excited about:

"I would say this is one of the coolest things I've ever done. My dad's probably going to do 80 backflips when the episode comes out."

"I make music, but I don't do voice-overs every day of the week, and their characters are so awesomely convincing and sincere and wild and funny, I had to remind myself constantly of the sincerity of the humour."

"That's what I was trying to focus on, not putting on a character too much and really being as sincere as I could with the lines."

The episode is set to air in the spring next year and you can watch a clip of a previous show in which Gaga features, although she has no lines, below:


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