Friday, December 21, 2012 3:55pm ET by  
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Lil Wayne regrets gun charge

Hip Hop superstar Lil Wayne has expressed regret over his gun charge in the wake of the Sandy Hook tragedy.

Earlier this month, a gunman opened fire at the elementary school, killing 20 children and six adults in one of the deadliest school shootings in US history.

Reflecting on his arrest for gun possession in 2007, Lil Wayne admits he regrets his actions.

Speaking on the 'Jim Rome on Showtime' this week, the star said: "Before I leave, I want to say you mentioned that in 2010, I was locked up for a weapon. If there was anything I could do in my life that I could ever change, it'd be that. Sandy Hook Elementary, my heart goes out to you."

Lil Wayne has previously gushed about the things he is proud of - including being father to his four offspring - Reginea, Dwayne III, Cameron Cater and Neal.

He smiled in a recent interview: "There's nothing better than that, period — being a father. I've done so many things... I don't get no joy like the joy I get being a father. Simple things like helping my daughter with her homework. Simple things like putting my sons to sleep."




Watch the video for Lil Wayne's 'No Worries' here:


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