Monday, January 13, 2014 11:23am ET by  
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Lady Gaga slams 'ARTPOP' critics: 'If you criticise others you criticise yourself'

'Applause' superstar Lady Gaga has hit back at the music journalists and critics that slammed her latest album 'ARTPOP' and explained that she feels as though they probably just didn't understand it if they had negative things to say about the record. 

In a post shared via her website, the beauty confessed that she thinks the album went over the heads of a lot of people in the music industry and as a result it garnered some bad reviews:

"I don't understand critics but here's why: would you critic a dance show if you were not yourself a dancer? Would you critic an English paper if you did not speak English? Or a French paper if you don't speak French? Don't let these things bother you, because the concepts of 'ARTPOP' I spent a lot of time and research a love on."

"But everybody (sic) will understand it, it operates in a place of love that sees the world as unified. It is simply a pleasurable experience for you to access if you choose. I don't believe that we are divided as people. If you criticise others you criticise yourself."



Check out Gaga and Christina Aguilera's version of 'Do What U Want' below:


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