Tuesday, June 24, 2014 1:05pm ET by  
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Little Mix's Perrie Edwards on passing wind in front of Zayn Malik: 'I do it because I'm engaged!'

Perrie Edwards, of Little Mix fame, has revealed that she farts and bites her nails in front of One Direction's Zayn Malik because now that she's engaged to him she doesn't have to pretend to be anything she's not. 

Speaking to Britain's Now magazine, the blonde bombshell explained that now she's engaged to Malik, she feels as if she can really let loose and doesn't have to 'try' anymore:

"I do it (fart) because I'm engaged - but if I wasn't engaged, I'd be kind of f**ked! I bite and chew my nails in front of him too. I'm not a kind of 'in your face' person and neither is Zayn, so we just work. We have a good balance. When we're hyper, it's great, and when we're not, it's great - it's the perfect balance."

'Story Of My Life' superstar Malik, meanwhile, told Top Of The Pops magazine that he misses being able to do normal 'date' activities because fame means that he can't just go to the movies or bowling with the 'Wings' beauty: 

"It’s very hard to just do normal things now and I’d love nothing more than to watch a film, go bowling and then have a nice meal somewhere after. Literally just sitting and chatting – just normal stuff. It would be amazing to be able to do that."

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Watch Little Mix's music video for 'Salute' here:


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