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Thursday, February 18, 2016 7:00pm ET by  
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St. Vincent designs lightweight guitar for women

Singer-songwriter St. Vincent has designed a guitar for women that is lighter in weight

The musician, whose real name is Annie Clark, created the St. Vincent Signature Ernie Ball Music Man Guitar, which has been described as "ergonomic, lightweight and sleek".

Speaking to Guitar World magazine, Clark explained that she has often struggled with heavy or bulky instruments on tour and wanted to design something that would be easier for women to contend with and also better shaped to show off the female figure:

"For me a guitar that is not too heavy is really important because I'm not a very big person... I can't even play a '60s Strat or '70s Les Paul. I would need to travel with a chiropractor on tour in order to play those guitars."

"I was always finding when I was playing onstage and wearing various stage outfits the guitar would cut across one of the best features of the female body, which is your waist. I carry my guitar pretty high so I had to make all of these costumes based on the fact that you wouldn't be able to see if I had a waist or not."

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Watch Clark talking about the guitar here:


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