Monday, June 27, 2011 12:42pm ET by  
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Sir Bob Geldof contemplated suicide

Sir Bob Geldof has revealed that he contemplated suicide following the breakdown of his marriage to Paula Yates, who tragically died of a heroin overdose back in 2000. 

The couple had children together and Sir Bob admitted that the only reason he decided not to kill himself was the fact that he had daughters to take care of:

"The list of why not to bother going on was long.There was only one item on why you should continue and it just said 'children'."

His separation from Yates proved to be brutal, and he added:

"I was beyond depressed. When she left I was distraught. I loved her very much and I didn't understand why. I never saw it coming, so I just floated."

"The pain was beyond intensity, the grief was universes of grief. My head was crowded with loss."

Luckily the 59-year-old activist and former Boomtown Rat found a new love and current partner in actress Jeanne Marine. Watch a recent interview with the popular musician, in which opens up about songwriting and his divorce, below:


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