Saturday, February 2, 2013 4:29pm ET by  
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Zayn Malik speaks out after cheating allegations

One Direction heartthrob Zayn Malik has spoken out for the first time after being accused of cheating on his Little Mix star girlfriend Perrie Edwards.

As previously reported, Australian waitress Courtney Webb, 21, claimed that she bedded the superstar singer at his North London home after believing he was single.

Taking to Twitter this afternoon, Malik showed his gratitude to his loyal fans - although his message didn't refer directly to the cheating rumours.

The hunk posted: " Hi everyone, just a quick message to say I love all you guys, without your support I don't know what I'd do :) x (sic)."

Webb - who also took photos of Malik sleeping after their alleged fling - has been hit with a barrage of verbal attacks after Malik's friend posted her number online.

Speaking to The Sun on Wednesday she revealed: “I was expecting some abuse but it has got out of control. I’ve had hundreds of calls from all over the world. One American girl left me six voicemails in an hour saying she was going to kill me. It’s really scary.”

British singer Edwards has yet to comment on the claims by the blonde, but insisted she was "fine" ahead of a performance with her band earlier this week. 





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