Friday, March 22, 2013 1:29pm ET by  
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Selena Gomez auditioned for 'Spring Breakers' in director's living room

Former Disney starlet Selena Gomez won the role she plays in the new movie 'Spring Breakers' by auditioning for the director and his wife in their living room.

Rachel Korine, who also stars in the movie and is married to director Harmony, explained to Women's Wear Daily that Gomez was the perfect 'face' for what they wanted to embody in the film: "Very early on, Harmony thought it would be great to have some sort of iconic, young American star-type faces, and I agreed."

"When we sent the script out, we got responses right away. Selena actually flew into Nashville and auditioned in our living room. Harmony and I just sort of looked at each other and were like, 'Wow, this is really happening. This is meant to be.'"

Korine added that the girls all shared the same trailer while shooting the motion picture, which helped solidify their bond and enabled it to really show on screen: "The dynamic between the four girls really carries the film."

"We really wanted that childhood bond to seem authentic, so we shared the same trailer, which really helped. Usually when you call ‘Cut,’ everyone goes their separate ways and gets on their cell phones. But we were really up close and personal."

"We’d play music in the trailer and dance, get silly. The film really plays that up: the girlishness of the characters. You see glimmers of innocence within each girl, which makes it that much more dramatic when the plot shifts."

'Spring Breakers' will be released in the UK on April 12 and it's already in American theatres now.





Check out the film's official trailer here:


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