Monday, April 8, 2013 9:39am ET by  
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Music stars react to the death of Margaret Thatcher

A number of music stars have given their thoughts on the death of former Prime Minister Baroness Margaret Thatcher.

The ex-Conservative (Tory) politician, famously termed as the 'Iron Lady', passed away today (April 8) aged 87, following a stroke.

Thatcher was Britain's first and only female and longest-serving Prime Minister to date, ruling the country between 1979 - 1990.

The current British Prime Minister, David Cameron, exclaimed that Britain has lost "a great leader, a great Prime Minister and a great Briton."

At Houses of Paliament the flag is at half-mast to indicate the passing of one of our greatest leaders.

Whilst her policies were not universally applauded by all, dividing a country, some music stars have paid tribute to the 'Iron Lady' via Twitter.

One Direction singer Harry Styles simply said: "RIP Baroness Thatcher. x."

His tweet resonated with some fans of the 'Kiss You' group, although some followers weren't sure who Thatcher was.

Geri Halliwell meanwhile tweeted: "Thinking of our 1st Lady of girl power, Margaret Thatcher, a green grocer's daughter who taught me any thing is possible...x."

X Factor star Rylan Clark reportedly posted a message of condolence before tweeting: "Getting a bit of backlash about thatcher, maybe I'm not up on history???"







Watch Margaret Thatcher give an interview below:


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