Thursday, September 5, 2013 1:09pm ET by  
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Ariana Grande reveals inspiration behind album 'Yours Truly'

Singer and Nickelodeon actress Ariana Grande has revealed that her new record, entitled 'Yours Truly', was inspired by this current and very important time in her life.

Despite only being 20-years-old, the beauty explained that over the past few years she has experienced the most personality-shaping events and wanted to incorporate her personal growth in the songs that make up the album:

"I feel like some of the most important years of my life have been captured in this album and some of my most important experiences like relationship-wise. So many things I've learned I'll remember when I listen back to these songs. It's just such a special thing for me. I can't wait for my fans to hear it."

Grande added: "People got to know me first as an actress, but my mum said I'm a singer who acts on the side, but now they are gonna get to know Ariana the little brunette girl from Boca [Raton, Florida] who loves music more than anything. It's very relatable. A lot about boys, a lot about love, a lot about romance. I'm a hopeless romantic."

'Yours Truly' debuted on the UK singles chart during this week's midway update at No.6 although the final position won't be confirmed until this coming Sunday, September 8.






Watch her music video for 'Almost Is Never Enough' here:


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