Wednesday, February 1, 2012 3:28am ET by  
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Madonna promises her Super Bowl set won't be X-rated

The Queen of Pop has reassured TV bosses that nothing about her forthcoming live performance at the Super Bowl will be X-rated or in need of censoring. 

Madonna will perform her brand new single, 'Give Me All Your Luvin'', during the half time show on February 5 and admitted to Jay Leno on Monday (January 30) that she will make sure her set is suitable for an all-ages audience:

"Well for sure (there will be) no nipples. I wasn't gonna go there. I mean I don't like to repeat myself or do what other people have done before me."

She also revealed that she is nervous about her performance as it's such a high-pressure situation and one of America's most popular sporting events so she has a lot to live up to:

"It's the most nerve-wracking thing I've ever done. The Super Bowl is, like, kind of the holy of holies, it's the sacred show of America. And I have to go on in the middle of that holy of holies and put on the greatest show that was ever been put on before."




"And here's the crazy part - I have eight minutes to set up the stage and seven minutes to take it down. I'm not sure why I got cheated on the other side... I'm particularly nervous with a show like that because, for instance, they're playing football all day so they don't really have time to do a soundcheck. It's a little bit like a circus act - get in there, roll out my carpet, put on my show and get the f**k off."

Watch Monday's (January 30) interview with Madonna on Jay Leno, below:


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