Music innovators Strange Pill release PSYCHEDELIC NET ART EP at 404 Festival of Art & Technology

Videoart online EP The New Machine III contains four perception-expansion songs, with "Mamma Doom" single available on all platforms and three more coming up

Exhibiting for the first time online for the 20th anniversary this year's festival edition in Mexico & New York


Accidental Pollinators

The originality of Strange Pill is shown in the mix of music, art, video and interaction from a psychedelic perspective, seeing music as a collage, bringing its visual narratives to the foreground of the music experience and turning it into a perception expansion journey.

The New Machine III, from The New Machine series, is a psychedelic 4-song EP experience, with "Mamma Doom", "Wipe Me To Forget", "Don't Say A Word" and "You Bring Me Hope, recorded with video, in a similar limiting process to tape recording, to capture the moment of performance of each artist and avoiding the surgical coldness of studio cut & paste.

They capture each individual original performance and bring them together as cutups of a collage, showing the moments and the people behind the sounds. The result is a set of existential songs with expressionist surrealist atmospheres, digital moving paintings that respond to touch, to isolate and explore separately each part that makes the whole and move from the singular wave of perception to the perception of the multilayered nature of a song.

"Mamma Doom" is the first audio release of the EP, "Don't Say A Word" will be out next Friday 20th of October.

"Wipe Me To Forget" and "You Bring Me Hope" to follow this autumn-winter


Strange Pill is a rare multidisciplinary artistic duo with Ben Hardy (UK) & Zahara Muñoz-Vicens (Spain) - They are musicians, producers, new media artists and creative designers. Strange Pill build interactive experiences around the idea of music as collage and merge music, collage, holograms, interactivity, psychedelia & video art. These artists work with hundreds of musicians and bands, including artists like Kavus Torabi (Gong, Knifeworld, Guapo, The Utopia Strong), Lana Del Rey's drummer Tom Marsh and the Mallorcan psychedelic pop rock band The Cicely Satellites. Last year Strange Pill received Sound of The Year Award for Best Innovation in a Sound Tool/Technique by the New BBC Radiophonic Workshop, MusicTechFest & Museum of Sound. Their interactive experiences have exhibited at places like Barbican Centre, Roundhouse, Cairo Palace of Arts and Athens Digital Arts Festival amongst many others and their work has been published in The Guardian's "App of the Week" and magazines such as MusicWeek, Kolaj Magazine, Electronic Sound and Aesthetica Magazine's Anthology Future Now: 100 contemporary artists. Theyr are currently building a studio-installation, a thunderbirds-meets-James Bond retrofuturistic house turned into live-recording studio that hides behind old clocks, radios, clavichords and fake bookshelves. 

October 13, 2023 10:50am ET by Accidental Pollinators  

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