Monday, February 14, 2011 9:54am ET by Newsdesk
Victoria Beckham quashes baby girl rumoursVictoria Beckham has quashed rumours that she is pregnant with a daughter after revealing she honestly doesn't know the sex of her baby. Speaking to USA Today's Arienne Thompson, the 36-year old pop star turned fashion designer revealed: "I can go on the record and say contrary to rumors, I do not know the sex of my baby!" "We know what to do with boys," "They're excited about having a little brother to teach how to play soccer. But, if it's a girl, we'd be over the moon as well." She also explained that although her baby's due this summer, she's concentrating on the promotion of her new fall clothes line, which she recently unveiled at a private presentation in Manhattan. She said of the collection: "I can't wait to fit in [the dresses] again. I designed this collection before I found out I was pregnant." Check out Victoria Beckham's latest fashion line below:
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