Tuesday, March 26, 2013 6:38am ET by  
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Niall Horan heads home for brother's wedding as movie cameras follow

One Direction star Niall Horan has returned to Ireland to attend his brother's wedding, with movie cameras coming in tow.

The Irish Independent reports that his 26-year-old brother Greg is due to wed on Wednesday (March 27) in a small ceremony.

The 'Kiss You' star has taken on best man duties, with his mother Maura Gallagher pleased to see the international star back home. She said:

"It's great to have Niall back for a few days without having to work. The last time I saw him it was at the O2 and it was too short."

Greg Horan added that he also invited the rest of One Direction, revealing:

"I invited the boys out of respect for Niall because they're his best friends, not for any other reason. We're not sure if they'll make it though."

The crew behind One Direction's forthcoming 3D film This Is Us have similarly travelled to Ireland, with director Mogan Spurlock posting a photo on Twitter of the team waiting to board a plane.

Louis Tomlinson meanwhile also recently had a homecoming filmed for the flick, which is due to be unleashed in the autumn.





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