Monday, June 20, 2011 2:34am ET by  
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Cheryl Cole breaks silence and reassures fans

Cheryl Cole here">Cheryl Cole has posted a blog on her official website assuring her fans that she is, “absolutely fine,” and also took the opportunity to thank them for their loyalty.

Last seen in public 25 days ago, Cheryl wrote that it had been, “the weirdest past few weeks,” but explained that she had been enjoying herself, catching up with family and friends. 

Cheryl said, “Where do i start? I have had the weirdest past few weeks (nothing unusual there though.) I wouldn't even know how to begin to tell you all about it.”

Cheryl went on to reassure fans that she has not gone into hiding Cheryl Cole's US X Factor departure here">since being axed from the X Factor USA, and thanked them for their support in the past few weeks.

She wrote about her fans:  “I feel your presence and strength always, and no matter what decision I make or what it is I'm facing, I appreciate you all more than you'll ever know.”

See Cheryl Cole being interviewed by Radio 1 DJ, Sara Cox, here:


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