Saturday, June 25, 2011 3:29am ET by  
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Joe Jonas teases video

Joe Jonas has revealed a teaser for the video for his debut solo single ‘See No More’ and announced that the clip will make its full debut on Wednesday June 29.

E! News, which will be airing the video when it’s released, ran an ad declaring “It’s Joe Jonas like you’ve never seen before” and featured a short clip showing a house on fire.

The single was co-written between Jonas and Chris Brown and made its debut earlier this month.

Talking about his first solo outing away from his brothers and the video earlier this year, Jonas said: "I think it's more so about how the emotions and the feelings that are going through and how you're dealing with them and just displaying them in physical actions, so it'll be the first really thought-out video that I've done."

Watch the teaser for ‘See No More’ below:


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