Tuesday, December 11, 2012 5:24pm ET by  
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fun. proud to have helped same-sex marriage fight progress

'We Are Young' hitmakers fun. have admitted that helping a cause close to their hearts has been fantastic.

The rockers performed a Halloween concert in Maine back in October, which was a benefit for same-sex marriage and they donated all of the profits made to help support it.

Member Jack Antonoff told Rolling Stone that it has been particularly rewarding and even more so after the states that voted on making it possible - namely Maine, Washington, Maryland and Minnesota - passed on the ballot:

"Maine specifically meant a great deal. We went up there and donated all the proceeds from that show to Mainers United, which is the group you can argue is responsible for getting the vote pushed through for marriage equality. So it was a promising election on many fronts."

He added that it feels as though a shift is happening, which is great: "So it just feels like a lot of progress, like everyone is starting to come around."

Antonoff also spoke about the ongoing struggle for the U.S. as a whole to recognise same-sex marriage and explained: "When you were driving down the street you would see Vote Yes on 1 and Vote No on 1 [signs], literally one after another, 'Don't redefine families' or 'Human rights for all.'"

"And you could see firsthand the battle and how serious it is, and it gave us the feeling that yes, we're grateful it passed, but it wasn't like this is done. Obviously, still 70 percent of the States don't have same-sex marriage, so there's still so much further up ahead."




Watch fun. talk about the importance of gay rights and equality here:


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