Sunday, March 10, 2013 9:20am ET by  
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Kimberly Wyatt: "My fans are my lifeline"

Former Pussycat Dolls star Kimberly Wyatt has described her fans as "the lifeline to [her] passions".

The singer-and-dancer has gushed about her loyal follows on Twitter.

Wyatt took to the social networking site today to thank her fans for their constant support: "One of you asked me the other day what fans mean to me.. Fans are the lifeline to my passions!... ... They are the family-like support that keeps me going when times get tough and who I get to celebrate with along the journey. :) xx (sic)."

The Pussycat Dolls disbanded in 2009 after announcing a brief hiatus, with Nicole Scherzinger's reportedly diva-ish attitude blamed by some for the break-up of the group.

However, Wyatt recently dispelled such rumours.

She explained: "I think Nicole wanted a solo career and that’s just it — end of. But when we ended up being a part of the group I was a huge advocate of hers. I even helped teach her how to dance and stayed after rehearsals to make her feel comfortable within her own skin and dance movement.

She added: "I think ultimately Nicole deserves happiness. The Pussycat Dolls for many of us was our ambition but I don’t think Nicole always had that. She always wanted to be a solo artist, there’s no harm in that."





Watch Wyatt's performance on 'Got to Dance' here:


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