Tuesday, November 12, 2013 7:00pm ET by  
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Miley Cyrus: 'I'm a hermit and like to stay home singing to my dogs'

Pop sensation Miley Cyrus has revealed that while she sings about clubbing and getting rowdy, she really prefers to just lay low and do her own thing out of the spotlight. 

During a new interview with BBC Radio 1, she explained that she likes to be away from huge crowds so that she can enjoy her live without her every action being exploited in the newspapers:

"I'm kind of a hermit... I tell people that think I'm cool that I'm super lame. I sound like all I do is club, but I'm the lamest! I never leave my house, that's the only place I've been where I don't have to deal with people, or the studio - that's why I'm a workaholic."

She then joked that her closest friends are her dogs and she can't help but feel that they're ungrateful because she always sings to them and they never seem to appreciate it:

"I have four dogs that are super cute, so mostly I hang out with my dogs. The other day I sat at my piano and played to them for an hour and a half and they were sat there with tilted heads, listening to me. I feel like they're judging me! They're like, 'This is a real life loser...' They're doing me a favour listening to me. I'm like, 'You don't know how much my tickets cost! You're ungrateful; I feed you, I pick up your poop, I play for you..."



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