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Saturday, July 9, 2016 5:44am ET by Pressparty
Snoop Dogg and The Game lead peaceful demonstration outside LAPDSnoop Dogg and The Game led a peaceful demonstration outside the police headquarters for the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) where a ceremony for new recruits was taking place yesterday (July 8). The demonstration follows unrest throughout American cities after the killings of two black citizens, Philando Castile and Alton Sterling. The Dallas demonstration ended up with a sniper killing five police officers on July 7. Snoop Dogg and The Game were invited inside the HQ by the LAPD chief of police Charlie Beck and the Mayor Eric Garcetti. Snoop Dogg told Billboard: "It went well. We were just in there trying to build up dialogue between the police and the community. "For many years, there’s not been any dialogue. It’s just been violence and misunderstanding. "We want to bridge the communication gap between the community and the police. That’s what I’m here for, because I could definitely turn it up and go violent. But we wanted to come out here to initiate love and peace. "The mayor and chief of police offered us a room inside where we could talk. And they listened to us.”
Watch video footage of the peaceful demonstration below:
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