Tuesday, May 17, 2011 3:53am ET by  
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Britney Spears recalls fashion disaster

Britney Spears opens up about more than just where she is now in her brand new interview with Harper's Bazaar. 

The 'Hold It Against Me' hitmaker and mother of two explains to the magazine that the Queen of Pop, Madonna, told her always to stay true to herself, advice which Spears put into immediate practice and even retained during her public breakdown a few years ago:

"I guess she's really taught me to stay true to myself. That seems like a simple thing to say, but she taught me through action, not just by saying it. There are so many people around you that have opinions, but you just have to listen to your instincts."

Spears, who will soon embark upon her U.S 'Femme Fatale' tour, also admitted, on the pages of one of the world's most prolific fashion magazines nonetheless, that her worst red carpet outfit was a clashing array of colour and mismatching styles:

"Ten years ago at the Billboard awards, I wore this orange hat and orange bra and orange booty pants and purple fishnets. Oh, and I had an orange jacket on. I actually thought I looked hot at the time. But, um, I definitely stood out. I thought it was just a marvelous idea to wear this purple and orange outfit."

Watch a brand new promotional interview about her new record here:


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